Messy Church

We are running a ‘Messy Church’ style service on a monthly basis as this will allow families to attend church together and we will also provide a sandwich tea after the activities. It is similar to the holiday club we run over the Summer where we explore Bible stories through craft and ‘hands on’ activities. So, if you would like to be involved in the Messy Church team or if you know of any families who might like to attend then please speak with myself or any member of the leadership team.

The times will be 4-6 pm and the upcoming service dates will be:

July 14th

August - Family fun picnic date to be agreed

September 8th

October  13th

November 10th

December 8th (the only meeting in church as part of our Christingle celebration)

Rachael Dunn 07752451057

Messy Church - Banbury URC

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